Корабль ледового класса «Николай Зубов» спустили на воду «Адмиралтейские верфи» по поручению президента России Владимира Путина, сообщил губернатор Петербурга Александр Беглов, слова которого приводит пресс-служба Смольного.
The main idea of the text is that the ice-class vessel "Nikolai Zubov" was launched at "Admiralтейskie Verfi" shipyard in St. Petersburg, built at the direction of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The article highlights: * Importance: The ship is designed to support various activities in the Arctic region, including trade, scientific research, rescue operations, and national security. * Presidential Support: The launch was framed as a success due to Putin's backing, with the governor praising the speed and quality of construction in St. Petersburg. * Recent Developments: The launch of "Nikolai Zubov" follows the launch of another icebreaker, "Chukotka," also in the presence of Putin, showcasing a trend of rapid shipbuilding progression. Essentially, the text celebrates the accomplishment of launching a new vessel built under presidential direction, emphasizing its strategic importance for Russia's Arctic endeavors.